šŸ›”ļø Stamina & Durability System šŸ›”ļø

Welcome to the core mechanics of the Gladian world: the Stamina & Durability system. This system plays a pivotal role when embarking on quests and engaging in duels.

āš”ļø Stamina:

Stamina represents your energy and is consumed during quests.

  • How It Works: Going on a quest will use up your stamina.

  • Replenishing Stamina: To refill your stamina, you need food. Every 1 FOOD you consume will restore 1 STAMINA.

šŸ› ļø Durability:

Durability is the measure of your weapon's condition.

  • How It Works: Engaging in quests will wear down your weapon, decreasing its durability over time.

  • Repairing Weapons: When your weapon's durability is low, you can repair it to restore its condition. Repair requirements formula is as follows:

RepairRequirement=(MissingDurability+(2.5āˆ—ItemPower)IRON)+XGLDRepair Requirement= (Missing Durability + (2.5 * Item Power) IRON) + X GLD

Last updated